
  • Re: 127.0.2


    ウチでも127.0.2 2024062706TEST 特に問題なく使えてます。

    Re: 127.0.2


    ですが、127.0.2 TEST版は突然クラッシュするなどのバグが残っており、常用するのはおすすめできません。

    I think the normal 127.0.2 version is stable.
    But the TEST version has bugs, like crashing or other issues suddenly, so it is not recommended for regular use.
    If you want to try the TEST version, please make sure to back up your profile first.

    Re: 127.0.2


    Using the current TEST version. Did not perform any objective benchmarking. But subjectively it feels a bit snappier, quicker to respond, than the regular optimised build.

    1) I encountered the “spinning circle” when loading the page – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14nT99E2ySlc2k0_iFcqLISZJE_ksaOXl
    The page loads, mostly, but the “spinning circle” keeps running for a long time until finally the load is complete. While the circle is spinning, it takes some time to open the Google Text document inside. When the “spinning circle” stops, the Google Text documents can be opened quickly.

    Expected behaviour: Using Edge browser, the page loads quickly and completely, “spinning circle” stops. Opening any of the Google Text documents is fast.

    2) Same “spinning circle” problem for PDFs opened within Google Drive. It seems that Google Drive uses its own PDF interface, not Firefox’s PDF interface. The PDF cannot be scrolled until the “spinning circle” finally disappears.

    Re: 127.0.2


    Thank you for trying out the TEST version.

    From what I have tried a bit in my environment, about the spinning circle issue when opening Google Text documents, I did not really notice a big difference between my TEST version and the official Firefox.

    It seems there are other bugs. For instance, the TEST version may crash when I leave it running, put Windows to sleep, and then wake Windows up.
    I would like to conduct some research bit by bit when I have the time.

    Re: 127.0.2 test


